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JMSR – A Silicon Valley Story

JMSR – A Silicon Valley Story

7th Oct 2022

Founded by Jan Marini in 1994, Jan Marini Skin Research has been a leader in developing innovative, research backed formulas since inception. To this day, the companies two primary focuses are to provide innovative technologies that deliver proven measurable results and an unwavering commitment to the ongoing success of customers. JMSR is all about transformation. Transforming skin, business, and lives. 

Located in Silicon Valley, home to some of the most prominent, successful organisations in the world such as Apple, Google, Meta, Tesla, Microsoft, Twitter, Pixar and more, JMSR is in good company. Like many of these companies, the success of JMSR has been largely due to being forward thinking, innovative thought leaders. What these companies have in common is that they deeply understand their customers and the key challenges they face and provide effective solutions to these problems. Always one step ahead of the curve. 

At its heart, JMSR is a skin biotech company with roots in research. We develop cutting edge solutions to today's most common skin concerns. Unlike many brands on the market, JMSR formulations are backed by research papers and have many case studies that support the efficacy of the range. We boast a host of technological firsts and have been awarded numerous patents over the years and are always looking for ways to innovate and transform our offering. 

We are firmly focused on supporting our clinic partners by providing superior products for both professional treatments and home care, plus delivering education and support to help propel business growth. JMSR is a complete, comprehensive range that addresses all current skin conditions, but also provides the skin with the necessary ingredients for prevention and maintenance of healthy skin at any age. This ensures that both our clinic partners and customers can achieve the results they desire now and into the future. 

What is important to all our customers is that the range delivers results without compromise. The JMSR range of products are of exceptionally high quality, are research backed and create real, lasting results. We all want to feel good and have skin that aids in giving us the confidence to jump out of bed each day and excel in our lives and JMSR helps to deliver that and more. 

We hope you enjoyed a little bit of JMSR history. Did you learn something new? Share with us on socials @janmariniaustralia #skinbyJMSR